Gold Coast TeachMeet 4

Gold Coast Libraries Nerang cnr White and Price Streets, Nerang, Queensland, Australia

You are invited to join us for TeachMeet 4, 2023 A TeachMeet is an organised but informal meeting for teachers to share good practice, practical innovations and personal insights in teaching. Topics will include: eSports Participants are invited to give a short presentation of up...


Kelvin Grove State College Library Queensland, Australia

Notice is given that the Annual Meeting of QSITE is being held at Kelvin Grove SHS Library and on line via zoom Friday 1st March 7.00pm - 8.00pm The agenda for the evening is as follows: 1. Welcome 2. Speaker - Maddie Panther  (BOP Industries) Maddie...


Gold Coast Term 1 TeachMeet

Gold Coast Libraries Runaway Bay Lae Drive, Runaway Bay, Queensland, Australia

You are invited to join us at our first TeachMeet for 2024. It will be an afternoon of conversations and ideas around teaching with technologies. TeachMeets provide a casual platform for educators to engage in professional learning and networking, where they can come together to...

Rockhampton Workshop

Emmaus College Emmaus College Senior School Campus 185 Main St, Park Avenue, QLD, Australia

$10 payable on the day QSITE members free Tea and coffee on arrival.  Pizza after session 2. Caesar Al-Samarrie Teacher Assistant AI Cynthia Gusman-Nolan ACS’ ICT Gateway to Industry Schools program ICT GISP Project Manager Details Date: 14th May 2024 Time: 4 – 6pm Venue:...

Gold Coast Term 2 TeachMeet

Gold Coast Libraries Nerang cnr White and Price Streets, Nerang, Queensland, Australia

You are invited to join us at our Term 2 TeachMeet for 2024. It will be an afternoon of conversations and ideas around teaching with technologies. TeachMeets provide a casual platform for educators to engage in professional learning and networking, where they can come together...