
QSITE Awards

QSITE Awards LogoQSITE supports its members with unique opportunities for teachers to share accomplishments with other education professionals by offering:

  • Prestigious peer recognition of individual achievements in the QSITE Annual Awards.
  • Invitations to publicly showcase ICT integration innovations applied or developed within your school through presentations at QSITE workshops or TeachMeet sessions in your local area.
  • Online profiling of leading educators and schools on the QSITE website and in QSITE publications.

Categories of Awards

The winners of the QSITE Awards are announced at the QSITE Annual General Meeting at the end of February each year. A list of previous award winners can be found at .

You are invited to nominate a teacher, coordinator or school leader at your institution or in your district for an award.

Nominees must be either Personal Members of QSITE or work in an educational institution that is an Institutional Member of QSITE.

There are four award categories:

  • Digital Technologies Teacher of the Year
  • Educator of the Year
  • Emerging Leader of the Year
  • Outstanding Leader of the Year

The criteria for each of these awards is advertised each year. Nominating a colleague is a simple process: just complete a nomination form and email to by the due date.

When a nomination for one of the Annual Award categories is received, the nominee will be contacted and asked to provide the following:

  • A written submission which addresses the Award criteria
  • A copy of his/her current curriculum vitae
  • The names of two people who can provide “Statements of Support”

Acknowledge the great work of a colleague by nominating them for an award.

After receiving the nomination, QSITE will contact the nominee for further information.

Digital Technologies Teacher of the Year Award

This award is designed to acknowledge the work of a classroom-based educator who is achieving excellence in the teaching of the Australian Curriculum F-10 Digital Technologies subject. Nominees must be based in a school and be considered a member of the teaching staff of that school.

The QSITE Digital Technologies Teacher of the Year Award recognises teachers who:

  • Plan, develop and implement programs to advance the Digital Technologies curriculum in schools
  • Demonstrate excellence and innovation in their teaching of Digital Technologies to the extent that their work can be used as a model for others
  • Nurture and mentor other individuals or groups to help progress the implementation of the Digital Technologies curriculum in schools.

Educator of the Year Award

The Educator of the Year Award is intended to recognise the importance of the work of teachers who are contributing to the use of ICTs in their schools. This award focuses on recognising the efforts of classroom-based educators. Nominees must be based in a school and be considered a member of the teaching staff of that school.

The QSITE Educator of the Year Award recognises teachers who:

  • Strive to improve teaching and learning across the curriculum through the use of ICTs
  • Work with students, colleagues and parents to improve education through the use of ICTs
  • Are respected as leaders and innovators in the use of ICTs in education both within their own school and in other schools locally, regionally or state-wide
  • Work with teachers in other institutions
  • Participate in the work and events of QSITE
  • Contribute to the teaching profession by presenting at conferences and other professional development activities.

Emerging Leader of the Year Award

The QSITE Emerging Leader Award is designed to recognise the contribution of teachers beginning to demonstrate ICT leadership and to encourage them to pursue their professional goals through their participation in QSITE.

The QSITE Emerging Leader Award recognises outstanding QSITE members who:

  • Demonstrate ICT leadership in their school
  • Demonstrate outstanding classroom practice using ICTs in curriculum
  • Contribute to the professional learning of peers
  • Show potential to contribute in the future to the work of QSITE

Outstanding Leader of the Year Award

The QSITE Outstanding Leader Award is an award designed to recognise the contributions of those in leadership roles, managing the growth and direction of ICT within an educational setting. It recognizes significant advocacy, support and promotion of ICT in Education. Candidates will have had a distinguished career and proven inspirational achievement in leading the ICT in Education community.

The Award recognizes leaders who:

  • Achieve excellence in the use of ICT in education innovation and development and work tirelessly to improve the quality of education;
  • Assist in the building of partnerships to advance the use of ICTs in education (e.g. school and community partnerships, school and industry partnerships);
  • Plan, develop and implement programs to advance ICT in education;
  • Provide advocacy for ICT in education to the extent that their work is used as a model for others;
  • Serve as a catalyst for policy change and development in ICT in education;
  • Contribute to QSITE work and actively participate in the professional communities of this organization;
  • Nurture and mentor individuals, groups and/or associations to enhance the use of ICT in education;
  • Conduct research and/or write about ICT in education;
  • Inspire others to strive for excellence.

Life Membership

Life membership is a special honour bestowed in exceptional circumstances to long-serving QSITE members in recognition of the person’s active participation in the QSITE community and, as such, the person has made significant contributions to ICT education and leadership in schools in Queensland. This honour can only be granted by the serving QSITE Board.

Current Life Members: Peter Whitehouse (2018), Mark Holland (2016), Margaret Lloyd (2015), Paul Holland (2011), Lyn Allsop (2007), Michelle Williams (2003), Herb Coleman (2001), Donald Shingles (1998), Doug Carey, Paul Shield, Tony Hoepper and Laurie Vogler.