
The Rules for The Queensland Society for Information Technology in Education Inc. were adopted at an extra ordinary general meeting of members held in 1993 and came into effect upon incorporation of the Association in 1993.
Over time it is necessary to make Amendments to the Rules and Amendments are approved and adopted at the Annual General Meeting of Members when required.

Amendments approved have occurred as follows:

2003 – The Annual General Meeting of Members held at Queensland University of Technology on February 28, 2003.

2005 – The Annual General Meeting of Members held at College of Art on 25 February 2005.

2008 – The Annual General Meeting of Members held at Anglican Church Grammar School on 29 February 2008.

2021 – A General Meeting of Members held on 25th October 2021 passed amendment of the Rules of the Association.  This is the latest version of QSITE Rules registered on 10 November 2021.

 Access a pdf of QSITE Rules November 2021