QSITE Workshops Rockhampton

Emmaus College Library Main St Rockhampton Main Street, North Rockhampton, QLD, Australia

QSITE Workshops Primary and Secondary Unfortunately this event has been cancelled because of  insufficient registrations. Saturday 20 May 2023 Emmaus College, Main Street Campus The cost - $10 for members  &  $40 for non-members. QSITE membership can be renewed/purchased online at https://www.qsite.edu.au/membership/ Personal memberships ($99)...

$10.00 – $40.00

TeachMeet #2

Gold Coast Libraries, Robina 196 Robina Town Centre Drive, Robina, Queensland

TeachMeets provide a casual platform for educators to engage in professional learning and networking, where they can come together to exchange innovative and captivating ideas. Our objective is to initiate a dialogue among participants. The presentations are brief yet impactful, designed to motivate the audience...

Gold Coast TeachMeet 3

Gold Coast Libraries Elanora 30 Guineas Creek Road, Elanora, Queensland, Australia

You are invited to join us for TeachMeet 3, 2023 A TeachMeet is an organised but informal meeting for teachers to share good practice, practical innovations and personal insights in teaching. Topics will include: Australian Curriculum v9 Technologies Overview Meeting the Curriculum with Micro:bit –...

CreativITy 2023 – Technology in the Tropics

Cairns Colonial Club Resort 18-26 Cannon St, Manunda, Queensland, Australia

The QSITE CreativITy 2023 – Technology in the Tropics two day conference supports all educators of Digital Technologies, ICT and Digital Solutions. Run by educators for educators; CreativITy 2023 – Technology in the Tropics provides a great opportunity for professional learning related to: Digital Literacy General...

$80.00 – $450.00

Gold Coast TeachMeet 4

Gold Coast Libraries Nerang cnr White and Price Streets, Nerang, Queensland, Australia

You are invited to join us for TeachMeet 4, 2023 A TeachMeet is an organised but informal meeting for teachers to share good practice, practical innovations and personal insights in teaching. Topics will include: eSports Participants are invited to give a short presentation of up...