VENUE: Stanthorpe SHS Library, Stanthorpe, 4380
Monday 22nd July – Session 1: Computers and their bits
Covering topics such as downloading images, connecting peripherals, and identifying computer hardware components. Possible extension into networks and their functions.
Targeted towards all primary teachers.
Monday 29th July – No session
Monday 5th August – Session 2: A bit of a byte into binary
Covering topics such as simple patterns, organising data, and an introduction to binary. Possible extension into converting binary to ASCII.
Targeted towards all primary teachers.
Monday 12th August – Session 3: Excelling in Excel
Covering topics such as introduction to Excel, organising data in Excel, and
Excel graphs and functions. Possible extension into conditional formatting.
Targeted towards all primary teachers.
Monday 19th August – Session 4: Cutting into the EDGE
Covering topics such as introductory algorithms, breaking down problems, documenting the process, user interfaces, flowcharts and pseudocode.
Targeted towards all primary teachers.
Monday 26th August – Session 5: Who codes the coders?
Covering topics such as introduction to coding, basic coding constructs, coding options. Possible extension into simple JavaScript.
Targeted towards year 3+ primary teachers.
Monday 2nd September – Session 6: Generally capable
Covering topics such as teaching essential computer skills, email, Internet searching skills, navigating a computer. Possibly extension on prior sessions.
Targeted towards all primary teachers.
BRING: Laptop / tablet
COST: nil (participants are asked to complete a pre- and post-workshop survey)
RSVP: 2pm the Friday before each session
Workshop content: Jeremy Schultz, QSITE Toowoomba Chapter Vice-Chair, Stanthorpe SHS –