Gold Coast Term 4 TeachMeet

Gold Coast Libraries Helensvale Lindfield Rd & Sir John Overall Dr, Helensvale, QLD, Australia

Are you looking for inspiring technologies ideas for your teaching or do you have one to share? You are invited to join us at our Term 4 TeachMeet for 2024. It will be an afternoon of conversations and ideas around teaching with technologies. TeachMeets provide...

QSITE Gold Coast Professional Development meet-up and Annual General Meeting

Gold Coast Libraries Helensvale Lindfield Rd & Sir John Overall Dr, Helensvale, QLD, Australia

QSITE Gold Coast invites you to attend our first 2020 professional development meet-up, followed by our Annual General Meeting. You don’t have to be a financial member, come along as our events are for all Gold Coast teachers. Date: Wednesday 5th February from 3:30pm Venue:...